Thursday, January 10, 2008

Comment from a Commissioner?

The blog has found the comment forwarded by this person seems to represent the Commissioner's view in the proceedings of last Tuesday night. It speaks for it's self.

You have got to be kidding. Multiple times, names were called who either were not present, or the person who was called seemed surprised that they were on the list. Obviously, the pro-road forces were signing in for other people, which is against the rules.

Also, public comments are supposed to be limited to 3 mins or less. This simply was not followed by multiple speakers.

Linda Hogue, Mike Clampitt, Ellen Monteith, David Monteith, Mike Kesselring and a host of others all spoke. Clampitt spoke for far, far longer than his allotted time. Exactly who missed out? The leaders all seemed to get their shot, and in several cases, they abused the privilege, Clampitt in particular.

Finally, public comments are supposed to be limited to 30 mins total for a commissioners meeting. The commissioners let the comments run for far longer than this. They did not have to allow the comment time to continue, but they did. No one has any room to gripe that their voice did not have an opportunity to be heard last evening.

Mike Kesselring spoke about other communities making fun and ridiculing Swain County citizens. Your post here gives them just that much more ammunition - claiming that somehow last night you were denied an opportunity to talk and involking the Bill of Rights is beyond ridiculous. All that occurred last evening was that the county commissioners regular business was held up for hours while the same people made the same arguments that have been voiced time and time again.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Weight Watcher Gone Astray?

Comments from the teaching staff in Swain County have generated grave concern. This blog puts out this information so that this situation can come to light and it can be worked out.

It appears that a weight watcher pool was formed within the Swain County School system to encourage weight reduction over the holidays for staff and teachers. This pool it appears to have been formed with the blessing of the Swain County School System which in principle is great,,, gambling but for your own good so to speak.
The real story is that since the effort was to be over a period of time surrounding Thanksgiving 2007 and pay outs for the pool were to be for each school winner, as well as over the whole system, nothing yet has happened.

So the question is really where's the BEEF, the CASH, the MOO LA. Currently nobody knows.
So how about let somebody know who won or where the funds went, otherwise it would appear the School System should cough up. Don't you think?.

By the way who knows who the Bag Lady or Man is? Let us know.


It appears the roster for public comment session last night, may have been censored so as to deny individuals the right to free speech. We live in AMERICA, this is a representative government not some third world joke! How dare anyone step on the BILL OF RIGHTS.
Maybe the guilty party has the guts to step forward?

Have the people of Swain County exposed the fraud perpetrated by its Leaders?

The settlement of the 1943 agreement doesn't seem to be as cut and dried as it has been related to the rest of the world it appears.
Now the Swain County Commissioners need to explain why a Group of over 175 have to attend public comment activities in order to have the commissioners listen to their concerns.
Sometime back these same commissioners silenced a planned public hearing citing that they had prayed about it and found that if they did hold such a public meeting it might be embarrassing to them and their faithful US House Representative. What a shame that they would put their own concerns above their sworn duties.

However last night the public showed up during public comment and voiced their dissatisfaction with any possible agreement for a Cash Settlement, citing no schedule for remaining payments, the possibility of Wilderness and Buffer Zones, as well as the slap in the face of the county from the previous agreement concerning the replacement of the North Shore Road.

As a side note to this:
It is a shame that even during the meeting the Commissioners or at least two had such negative feelings over the matter they could not raise a hand in friendship or respect to a past commissioner offering his own hand, in agreeing to disagree. This man treated them with the respect they were due however it appears they are not worthy of such simple respect. If this is a true measure of their character it is truly a shame.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What does it mean to be a Great American?

Isn't it great that we live in a country that allows free speech and makes provision for individuals to make up their own minds? A comment entered earlier commands that it should be brought to the fore front of the Blog.
I introduce you to another possible GREAT AMERICAN who speaks their mind,
Please welcome ANONOMOUS.
Anonymous said...
"You've got to bear in mind that "great American"="Republican".
Also for your future edification....."terrorist"="anyoneopposed to what the Republicans believe". Also note that "liberal"="communist". And don't forget that "blaspheme", "sellout", "sinner", "greedy", and "crooked" should be used as often as possible when referring to the Democrats.

Mumpower a great American? "lol"="laughing out loud"."

Now with this person's position made very clear let us move on to define just what is a GREAT AMERICAN: A person who is willing to enter into public service to help others without alterior motives and without dishonest or unethical actions in acquiring such a position. One who is ready to sacrifice for the public good.
This definition transends the mere stamp of party line Republican or Democrat.

A GREAT AMERICAN, could very well be you

The Truth never satisfies the Dishonest.

Through exhaustive research of the ALLEGED Supreme Court Case cited so many times in the argument of the North Shore Road. It appears that the case in question was relative to no more than 6 families of the area looking for access to their property. With this said the rationale for furnishing access to this limited number of individuals was the reasoning behind the condemnation of the property's in question. Simply it was not reasonable for the Governmental Agencies to provide access based on this limited number of individuals.
There is NO relation to this case regarding the North Shore Road, i.e. replacement of Hwy 288.

Simply the case has never been brought.

Please reference this case through the internet by simply searching,

Too many times we beleive some idle comment from someone who manipulates the truth to their own benefit. We believe it is time for YOU to DECIDE.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Is There a Border War Between TN and NC?

The following is a press release from another Great American. This blogs posts this information to spark public interest due to the content.
This blog does not endorse any candidate and has a policy of reveiwing and posting such materials as it feels is relevent to the local community.

Heath Shuler is a North Carolina Representative serving the better interests of Tennessee according to 11th District Republican Candidate Carl Mumpower. Citing the partnership between Tennessee Republican Senator Lamar Alexander and Shuler, it is Mumpower's belief that Shuler is either "outgunned in his relationship with the seasoned Senator or actively cooperating against Western North Carolina." "A pennies on the dollar settlement plan in lieu of the promised economic engine found in the North Shore Road deserves far more attention than it receives", said Mumpower.

"Whether it is the TVA's drawdown policies on Lake Fontana, abandonment of the North Shore Road promise, or an indifference to the fact that 85% of Swain County is off the tax role, we are surrendering to Tennessee's priorities at every turn", shared Mumpower. "The settlement plan of 52 million has the authenticity of a fly by night driveway pavement crew preying on little old ladies - just one city government in WNC, Asheville, has an annual budget of twice that amount."

Mumpower points to what he views as a glaring similarity between the original 1943 promise to build the North Shore Road and the current buy-out plan touted by Alexander and Shuler. "In both cases there was a promise founded on the availability of funds." "A down payment of six million is chump change that will buy our politicians time to dodge their responsibilities today as surely as they have dodged them for the past 65 years", said Mumpower. What is the real goal of the settlement plan? "In my opinion it is to make sure that WNC remains little more than a tourist passageway to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge."