Tuesday, January 8, 2008

What does it mean to be a Great American?

Isn't it great that we live in a country that allows free speech and makes provision for individuals to make up their own minds? A comment entered earlier commands that it should be brought to the fore front of the Blog.
I introduce you to another possible GREAT AMERICAN who speaks their mind,
Please welcome ANONOMOUS.
Anonymous said...
"You've got to bear in mind that "great American"="Republican".
Also for your future edification....."terrorist"="anyoneopposed to what the Republicans believe". Also note that "liberal"="communist". And don't forget that "blaspheme", "sellout", "sinner", "greedy", and "crooked" should be used as often as possible when referring to the Democrats.

Mumpower a great American? "lol"="laughing out loud"."

Now with this person's position made very clear let us move on to define just what is a GREAT AMERICAN: A person who is willing to enter into public service to help others without alterior motives and without dishonest or unethical actions in acquiring such a position. One who is ready to sacrifice for the public good.
This definition transends the mere stamp of party line Republican or Democrat.

A GREAT AMERICAN, could very well be you


Anonymous said...

Getting a little touchy, aren't we? You guys can sure dish it out but you can't take it.

Yes, someone who uses the terms 'Blood Money' and '50 pieces of Silver' has no 'alterior motive', whatever that means, do they?

You want to be a Great American? Quit using slander and innuendo to make your arguments. Try letting them stand on their own merits. What a novel concept...

Anonymous said...

Without regard to the smoke and mirror jargon, It appears you don't agree with the definition of a Great American? Or is it just to hard a standard to live up to?
Maybe it should be lowered?,,,Na.

Tell you what, just what would be your definition and lets move to the middle ground. You first.

Anonymous said...

Great American:
A public servant who will not let his personal beliefs dictate what he says or does in the performance of his duties. Instead he or she will follow the direction of the people that elected him/her. This person will follow the Constitution even if it conflicts with their preacher. This person will jealously guard the freedoms and liberties as set out in that Constitution, even if it makes the policeman's job harder.
A Great American will not turn their back on anyone, even if their skin color, beliefs, economic condition, or accent is different from their own.
A Great American is one who will protect the environment for their progeny, even if it makes corporations a little less profitable.
In short, A Great American is equal to a Great Human Being.

Anonymous said...

Once we leave the Constitution it becomes a choreographed song and dance tailored to whoever's preference in special interest. Wouldn't you agree? I understand the substance and somewhat agree, but to crack the barn door is too much.
Adolf Hitler was a great human being to some. The rationale of your piers should not play into the equation. Don't you think?

Anonymous said...

It should be noted that the Declaration of Independence said that there are "inalienable" rights. Regardless of what happens, such as the 9/11 attacks, there is no excuse for the erosion of rights as the present administration has actively pursued. I will not forgive these acts nor will I forget how Bush and Cheney have misused their powers. They are NOT Great Americans.
Unfortunately we as Americans have not risen up in outrage. "The price of freedom is eternal diligence". Someone said that once...and we have forgotten it.