Saturday, October 27, 2007

Captive Audience

Is it true, under the guise of Called Faculty Meetings in which teachers are REQUIRED to attend, that representatives of the School Administration as well as others are LOBBYING the teaching staff to support the up coming LAND TRANSFER TAX referendum?

Have we shrunk to a new level? Granted if they are explaining both sides of the referendum then this would be nothing more than voter education and a service to the community. However if it is one sided and being billed under the false pretenses, by school personnel and county leadership, then it definately should be considered to be not only Distasteful but possibly, Intimidating.


If it's such a good thing why worry, it should pass on it's own merit, right?

Appreciation to those who are DESERVING

While this blog has critical aspects to it in which you the patron have submitted or brought forward or even commented on. It is not the purpose of this median to be one sided, criticism is also complimentary.
It would be the intent at this time to take a moment to appreciate some of the wonderful people which make our local area great!
Specifically, the people who lend their abilities as well as time and energy in sacrificing for us all. That go above and beyond without hesitation or regret.

-Our First Responders, who tirelessly make the most impossible situation manageable.

-Our Police, Sheriff's Office, State and Federal Authorities, who keep us safe from the harm that is to and fro in our world today.

-Last but certainly not least the ones that literally craft our future, who put their lives into every moment of the day trying against all odds to see that success or the possibility of success is delivered to every shoulder willing to bare it. With little support from any side, these individuals tirelessly pursue a calling much more than a simple profession. Silent Heroes to those who look back, these people are the mentors of the children of today and leaders of tomorrow.
God Bless them and look over them, keep them from harm and give them the strength to carry the burden of being a direct influence on our tomorrow.

The North Shore Road

What a shame it is that the center core of the community has had to struggle for a
completion, that by peremptory rights is already ours, which was placed into our hands by the foresight and integrity of our forefathers. The completion of the NORTH SHORE ROAD
(sometime locally referred to as the ROAD TO NOWHERE) is a simple legal binding contract supported by laws of the nation, state, and county.

WHAT GOOD IS TEMPORARY MONEY TO A COMMUNITY THAT IS LOSING ITS VOICE? This community is being systematically shunned by the majority of its elected officials. The question becomes WHY. WHY is financial retribution more important than this government's commitments to its people? the collective group within a community provides a support system. We should not have to live without this. Have we not been patient with the government? Have we not waited for you to come through on your commitment with completion of honor?

The removal of our moral vaues that contain the integrity of this nation is tearing this country apart. We are not ignorant of the consequences in the direction of corruption that influence thes nation's actions. The loss of America's cornerstone is truly a leap backwards into the dark ages. The amount of hatred directed against this country is a good measurement of the dissatisfaction at home and abroad. WHY IS THE GOVERNMENT NOT ACKNOWLEDGING THIS?

This nation is a juvenile compared to the age of other civilizations. Often, the struggle to achieve a concept is taken to a point of destruction instead of productive stability. There within lies the new age thinking of todays marketable trade of repersentation. The overall lack of intervention on the part of our government's representation is not acceptable. DAY IN AND DAY OUT, we the people, for the people, by the people work to maintain the supportive structure of this great nation. HAS THAT CONTRIBUTION BECOME SO MI-NUTE THAT WE HAVE BEEN DISMISSED FROM IMPORTANCE? If our congressmen and an handfull of citizens cannot convey understanding, HOW WILL THE WHOLE FIND REASON?

This nation's birth of rights, sacrifices, and past achievements represent a remarkable migration of circumstances that created the strong foundation of this country. Attainable equality was established by the displacing and discarding of individuals from the roots of old civilizations. Our ancestors contruced a higher quality of life for all citizens of this nation.

This government's legislative power determines through established law how you will proceed on the issue of the NORTH SHORE ROAD. THIS WILL INDICATE YOUR RECOGNITION OR ABUSE OF THESE LAWS. You, our representatives, are responsible for using the wisdom passed down to us by our forefathers.


Mrs. Big-Gun

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

It's Election Time Again!

SNOOPE DOG on the trail

Let's hear it for the SNOOPE DOG! Sounds like he's on the trail once again!
Invoices for TAX Bill Boards going to the School Board's mail box?
Various people of notoriety maybe just a little too close to the flame?
Just what is the age to be putting out signs on the road?
The trail is getting hot!
When hunting is good, look out for the SNOOPE DOG!
By the way, could anyone tell if the Board of Education actually lobbying for the referendum?

Local Realtor

As a Real Estate Broker, our office was visited by a county administrator today to educate us on the Land Transfer Tax. I was not in the office at the time.This tax will not take money from our pockets as is being told by county administrators and commissioners and the school system. As a land owner it will effect me, if I wish to sell or even deed my property to my children someday. I am strongly against it as a resident and native of Swain County. WE DO NOT NEED A NEW TAX.
October 24, 2007 7:26 AM

Monday, October 22, 2007


It's shame out of the multiple candy bar salesmen I saw over the weekend not one had a clue what the money being earned was for in Swain County Schools. Not one knew much more than they needed to sell candy to help the school. Out in traffic and in the public wandering the roads and streets trying to help our poor, poor school system.


Who in the world is taking responsibility for placing these children in the position they are in? Who's going to take the responsibility for just one of them being hurt or God for bid something else happens, all in the name of Funds not provided by the State of Federal for the schools. Maybe we need to prioritize our needs and let the wants go.

Where's the leadership we pay or elect? Laying up in some retreat, picking out athletic equipment, maybe just playing a fiddle while our Rome burns? Looks like we've got our own Sadam Husein that needs to get off the stick and go to work, it's time somebody did their job!