Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Have the people of Swain County exposed the fraud perpetrated by its Leaders?

The settlement of the 1943 agreement doesn't seem to be as cut and dried as it has been related to the rest of the world it appears.
Now the Swain County Commissioners need to explain why a Group of over 175 have to attend public comment activities in order to have the commissioners listen to their concerns.
Sometime back these same commissioners silenced a planned public hearing citing that they had prayed about it and found that if they did hold such a public meeting it might be embarrassing to them and their faithful US House Representative. What a shame that they would put their own concerns above their sworn duties.

However last night the public showed up during public comment and voiced their dissatisfaction with any possible agreement for a Cash Settlement, citing no schedule for remaining payments, the possibility of Wilderness and Buffer Zones, as well as the slap in the face of the county from the previous agreement concerning the replacement of the North Shore Road.

As a side note to this:
It is a shame that even during the meeting the Commissioners or at least two had such negative feelings over the matter they could not raise a hand in friendship or respect to a past commissioner offering his own hand, in agreeing to disagree. This man treated them with the respect they were due however it appears they are not worthy of such simple respect. If this is a true measure of their character it is truly a shame.


Devilhawk said...

The steam was rising and their usual self control was nudged a bit. The people had their say and the commission has the decession.
A question, where the settlement and keep things the same people, were they already represented by the Commission, and had no reason to attend?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If people would stay within the boundaries established and agreed to by both parties in the past for public comment, there would be no problem. This includes:
1) The person who wants to comment has to sign the sheet (no stand-ins)
2) ONE (did you hear that?)3 minute comment per person
3)no back-and-forth bickering between the commissioners and the public.
Please remember this is meeting of the elected Commissioners meeting to discuss business, not a circus. It is not designed for public comment. That is a courtesy granted to those who will live up to the rules.
As for the so-called public had no basis in the law; it had no legal standing; and people had had their say in many public meetings prior to this. Just because someone can shout louder than someone else does not make them more righteous.

Anonymous said...

BRAVO to the previous commenter!!!

Anonymous said...

Our Congressman has done what no other one has -he has helped to settle this mess -so please let us move forward-there are other problems that "OUR" county faces-our commissioners are doing a good job-not just dealing with just one area.Move forward not backwards.

Anonymous said...

Your Congressman has sold out to TN in order to help his real estate empire in TN. Your Congressman would not even think about placing the issue on the ballot for all Swain voters to have a say. Your Commission would not allow a hearing on the issue.
Your Chairman has put the County under scrutiny for alleged voter intimidation and fraud. As you move forward get some info on the degree of control the Park Service will be able to hold over land and water in Swain.