Friday, October 19, 2007

Freedom of Speech & Public Meetings

Freedom of Speech is not dead!

This site wishes to thank the efforts of two distinguished county leaders for their unselfish sacrifice to allow the people of Swain County to voice their opinions over the North Shore Road issue.
Against the majority of the Swain County Board of Commissioners after the issue was once passed in a prior meeting to go forward after it was revisited and killed by a board reversal. These men stood up.
They went forward to allow Freedom of Speech in troubled times.

Your courage and compassion shall not be forgotten.
Thank you, Commissioners, Philip Carson and David Monteith. You are both honorable members of the Swain County Board of Commissioners unlike others.

Land Transfer Tax for who?

The note below was forwarded as an opinion which is subject to interpretation of the facts that the individual was exposed to. It is put forth to inspire thought and comment and nothing more.

A tax for the Blind Deaf and Dumb.
What intelligent human being would vote for a Transfer Tax that a bunch of misfits just happen to come up with, when they can't even manage what they already have. Was it in some dark corner they got together in a huddle and made up a Ballot item that allows them to not only, not designate the money's generated but gives them an open hand to carry it forward until eternity!
The way the Ballot item is worded they could buy pencils for the school system or condoms for the County Board Meetings. Isn't it time we held someone accountable? They hold you accountable when tax time comes around, don't they? They hold you accountable when a permit fees are due, don't they? They hold you accountable when they need fees for garbage, don't they?
They're depending on a low turn out on Election Day to see this thing pass. Wouldn't it be a shame to see this pass with just a few votes cast. The out come, you will have to live with like it or not. Who knows maybe we'll need a condom if they get their way.
Thank You,

Students turned into fund raisers. Where's the logic and who's "Surplanting" funds

To whom it may concern,

My son came home with permission slip to sell candy for items not covered by State or Federal Funds for the middle school, per the permission slip. NO MENTION OF WHAT THE MONEY WOULD COVER.
What is this about? What cut does the school get out of the candy? What assurance does the parent have that the child will reap the benefit of the funds gained? Who administrates the funds once they are collected and the bills are paid? Does the child get credit for lost homework time or an extension of a school sponsored activity? Why doesn't the school have enough funds to operate the issues it wants to? Why are we funding building projects when the school needs other things? Should we keep the lights on in house we have rather than look to have a larger one?
The whole thing looks wrong. Granted the school has done it for years but in thinking about it, I'd rather give the school the money in the name of my child rather than teach him how to pan handle or put up with begging in the streets.
If we're looking for money why don't we put jars in the convenient stores and the ABC store churches and beg for donations.
What's this all about?
I guess we're taking the first step to putting them in the mindset to get a piece of card board and looking for a busy intersection "HUNGRY NEED MONEY".

Land Transfer Tax just exactly where will the money go?

The entry below was put forth by an individual who has strong feelings on this subject. It is up to each individual to gather the information they need to make a responsible decision on this subject.


Where is it wrote in stone? I can't find it, could someone help me please! I've looked all over and it's just not there. Oh! Please someone! Please help me! Where does it say in the Tax Referendum Ballot Item it is to raise money for the Schools. It's just another WINK and NOD to rake in some cash. Oh it can be said, we meant well. But where is it on paper.
I think I can answer that, NOWHERE!
This is nothing more than a billboard scam by a bunch of greedy bureaucrats who want you as tax payers to feel good about digging just a little deeper. In the real world, it would boarder on fraud! Ho, hum, only in Swain County, right? Let's get real for once and quit trying to tell us that it's for the kids!
It will be the kids that will pay for it in the future. The majority of the adults here have what they have and will pass it to their children. That's when they'll get to ante up. "TRANSFER TAX", forget trying to get around the word "sale". You can't even give it away now.

The North Shore/EIS/ Assumptions

Reply to story released Asheville Citizens 10/18/07.

I find it alarming that Mr. Kidd arbitrarily would decide the matter is now settled. While the EIS is completed it shows little detrimental effect to the park as a whole and surely no more than the already established roadways throughout the present Great Smokey Mountain Park system. It is well understood that the Park itself is charged with conserving the assets it has regardless of whether it's a road or an additional parking area and for that they have my gratitude. The Park's stance over preferring a monetary settlement was certain before it started. However the contract is there for the road along the North Shore, which was formulated and executed by the Federal Government and others which in turn is the overseer of the Park and takes precedence over the Park's position.
This area, culture, heritage has been literally wiped from the face of the Earth to be forgotten and is a human tragedy at the expense of the people the Park is hear to serve as well as others. To trivialize it with a price tag only denigrates the issue even further. I reference the following link for those who might not know or understand the nature of the culture which has been extinguished,
Was this heritage worth something? Absolutely, and those people who gave their "all" asked for access to their past by way of a road along the North Shore. This was agreed by all parties including the Federal Government. Does it have monetary worth? I'm not sure how to consider this. Just exactly what is the price we should place on a culture or a heritage? Should we even try while we are now in the process of extinguishing even the memories of this moment in time. A shameless tragedy.