Saturday, October 27, 2007

Captive Audience

Is it true, under the guise of Called Faculty Meetings in which teachers are REQUIRED to attend, that representatives of the School Administration as well as others are LOBBYING the teaching staff to support the up coming LAND TRANSFER TAX referendum?

Have we shrunk to a new level? Granted if they are explaining both sides of the referendum then this would be nothing more than voter education and a service to the community. However if it is one sided and being billed under the false pretenses, by school personnel and county leadership, then it definately should be considered to be not only Distasteful but possibly, Intimidating.


If it's such a good thing why worry, it should pass on it's own merit, right?


Anonymous said...

Teachers should be smart enough to know when they are being used by the"Leaders" of the System. Question is which "System" is really at work here.

Anonymous said...

Did the County Administrator go to the school while he was on county time or on his time?
Did he drive a county car to the school? If he did he is using tax payers money to lobby for the land transfer tax. Does any one know?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like some possible violations of election law have occurred.... contact your local election board to file official complaints...

Anonymous said...

SAD that this bill did not pass, only ones that won here are the real estate people. I have alway thought it better to be pro-active than re-active! If we need more room in our school now, what will it be like 10 years from now? Some people in this county can't see past the nose on there face.

"Is it true, under the guise of Called Faculty Meetings in which teachers are REQUIRED to attend, that representatives of the School Administration as well as others are LOBBYING the teaching staff to support the up coming LAND TRANSFER TAX referendum?"

I was there, this last statement is nothing but a BIG FAT JOKE by someone who can't see past there own nose!

Our school bord and school Administration has done nothing wrong! They love our schools and work hard to always improve the quality of education that is provided to OUR CHILDREN!