Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Can Economic Development and the Environment coexist?

Some would say absolutely not. However it takes Planning, Commitment and Good Stewardship. All of which are evident in the western part of our county.
Speaking explicitly of the Nantahala George and the associated businesses of this area it appears that Development and the Environment can coexist.
Has the area changed? Absolutely.
Would it have changed over time anyway? Absolutely.
Could it be being managed, maintained, and cared for better? That's debatable, but in all honesty that decision would have to be made at ground level while in the game and not from the sideline.

It's a cinch that progress and development effects our environment everyday and is in all likelihood inevitable. The big question is, can these changes be managed and yet satisfy the common goals of all parties involved.
In this particular situation it appears that they can.
The Nantahala Gorge Area looks to be a Shining Light of Development coexisting with our Environment, exhibiting the three critical points, Planning, Commitment, and Good Stewardship.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Years ago at the begining of the first movements to develop the Nantahala Gorge there was great opposition and probably some of this still exists although not as strong now.
But overall the truth is it is now a better place, being used by millions of people instead of a few and a much needed source of tax base for the county.
To all of those who had the foresight to stay the course, Thanks.

Ole Wise One

Anonymous said...

What a crock. The NOC messed up my best fishing hole when they tore up the side of the bank to make a raft launching spot. And what about all that former US Forest Service Land that is now developed by the NOC across the river? And the fact that is is ok for the Appalachian Trail to go thru NOC store, but in other areas of the county the Forest Service grabs more and more land beside the AT. It is a double standard.